Module Usher Auth

Usher Auth is a package that contains all of the authentication processes required to interface with Ceramic and with Usher's APIs.


Wallet Abstraction

The Usher Auth module abstracts authentication with different wallets and authentication methods.
During authentication, a unique DID is produced deterministically dependent on the authentication method.
Authentication methods supported:

  • Metamask
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • Wallet Connect
  • Magic SDK
  • Arweave (JWK) compatibile wallets


import { Connections } from "";

const authInstance = new Authenticate(arweave, ethProvider);

await authInstance.withEthereum(
const ethAuth = authInstance.getAuth(wallet.accounts[0].address);

// Print DID for this Auth

Auth Tokens for API usage

By generating a unique DID for each specific authentication, there is now a collection of authentications that represent the same user.
Each DID exposes the same interface for using cryptography to identify the underlying authentication/user.
A token can be generated using this collection of authentications to uniquely indetify the user inside of a backend stateless environment. ie. a centralised serverless API handler.
An API can then intelligently store each unqiue DID in relation to each other, ideally in a graph, to produce a profile of a user based on their authentication methods.

Generating an Auth Token

import { Connections } from "";

const authInstance = new Authenticate(arweave, ethProvider);

await authInstance.withEthereum(
await authInstance.withArweave(
arConnect // window.arweaveWallet

// Print DID for this Auth
const token = await authInstance.getAuthToken();

Validating an Auth Token

The following example illustrates Auth Token validation inside of an Express.js Middleware/Handler.

import { Base64 } from "js-base64";
import { DagJWS, DID } from "dids";
import { getResolver as getKeyResolver } from "key-did-resolver";

const verify = async (did: string, sig: DagJWS): Promise<boolean> => {
const instance = new DID({
resolver: {
const result = await instance.verifyJWS(sig, { issuer: did });
if (result.kid) {
return true;

return false;

// --- Inside of Express.js handler
let payload;
try {
payload = JSON.parse(Base64.decode(req.token));
} catch (e) {
req.log.debug("Failed to parse token");
return res.status(403).json({
success: false,

// Payload is an array of dids and their respective signature
try {
const user = (
await Promise.all(
async ([did, sig, wallet]: [string, DagJWS, string[] | undefined]) => {
try {
const instance = new DID({
resolver: {
const result = await instance.verifyJWS(sig, { issuer: did });
const verified = !!result.kid;
if (verified) {
return {
wallet: wallet
? {
chain: wallet[0],
address: wallet[1],
: null,
} catch (e) {
//* This will fail if the Signature Payload includes sepcial characters
{ error: e, did, sig, wallet },
"Cannot verify JWS for DID"
return null;
).filter((did) => typeof did !== null && !isEmpty(did));

if (user.length === 0) {
req.log.debug("No user loaded");
return res.status(403).json({
success: false,

req.user = user;

// Perform some logic on the user

return next();
} catch (e) {
return res.status(403).json({
success: false,

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